Flying Bad Guys! Minimod v1.5
A downloadable mod
A comically deranged gore and enemy replacement for GZDoom versions 4.6.0 and above. Instead of merely exploding into gibs, your foes can now die in a far more spectacular way! Extreme damage will send them flying backwards screaming, all the way until splattering violently on impact with something solid - or if launched high enough, will disappear into the sky, never to be seen again.
While this mod is unserious in nature, some sound effects may be distressing or unpleasant to hear due to excessive compression. This is generally kept to a minimum for the viewer's ease of listening, but still, viewer discretion is advised.
Currently does not play nicely with monster replacement mods as it returns monsters to their default behaviour.
You will need the IWAD of DOOM, DOOM 2, or FINAL DOOM to play.
Works with GZDoom versions 4.6.0, or LZDoom 3.87 and above.
Reelism by Kinsie
Unreal Tournament by Epic Games
Pizza Tower by Pizzatowerguy
Half-Life by Valve
Blood by Monolith Productions
Quake by id software
Donkey Kong Country by Rareware
Iguana Entertainment
Stock sound libraries.
if you want to use any code from this mod, please ask permission, and credit me as Lumenoth.
Enjoy, and go teach some meatsacks how to fly.
Development log
- v1.4 Update!Apr 14, 2023
- v1.3 update!Feb 11, 2023
- v1.2 Released!Jul 14, 2022
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I tried this Mod but It doesn't work at all anymore?
Hey there. What exactly is the problem specifically? Are you getting an error message, or are the enemies just not being replaced? I just tested it in GZDoom 4.11.3 with no other mods loaded and can't find any problems.
Are you running GZDoom with any mods that replace monsters or change their behaviour? If so, it may be overwriting the mod's code, making it not work. Currently the mod is limited to working with stock Doom 2 enemies until I can find a way to replace them universally.
I am playing it with the Virtua Crisis Code, and they don't seem to be flying away when I shoot them
Ah. Those mods should be able to work together. The bullet weapons won't gib enemies as they have the +NOEXTREMEDEATH flag set to them. They will still be gibbed by other effects such as the Super Rifle, barrel explosions and punched bombs.
I might release an update for Virtua Crisis that reinstates the flag for the Drake Shotgun and the Sidewinder SMG. Thanks for pointing this out!
but Also I tried the Wad by itself with GZdoom Ver 4.13.2, and I tried Shooting and Punching Enemies, but they don't seem to be flying away as the Mod has stated?
Also add in Wario Land 4 and/or Warioware and/or Treasure Tech Sounds into it as a Recommendation
Enemies will only be sent flying if they are dealt a high enough amount of damage. In vanilla Doom gameplay, this can only be achieved with the Berserk Pack, Rocket Launcher, the BFG9000 or explosive barrels. Or typing MDK into GZDoom's console.
This mod is best combined with mods that allow you to deal high amounts of damage to enemies, such as Broadsword Jim, Obliterator, Trailblazer, Russian Overkill and so on.
I would rather not use Treasure Tech sounds in this mod, as that mod is still technically in-development.
I love it